The collective use center “Center for Scanning Probe Microscopy and Resonance Spectroscopy” (SPM&RS Center) was established in 2012 within the structure of the Kurdyumov Institute of Metallophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with the aim of the most rational use of the unique equipment of the ultra-high vacuum scanning probe microscope JSPM-4610 by JEOL and NMR and EPR spectrometers by BRUKER. The main goal of the SPM&RS Center is to enable the scientific community of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other agencies to conduct research using state-of-the-art instruments serviced by qualified personnel capable of maintaining the equipment in a high-quality working condition and providing consulting services.
The SPM&RS Center's activities are aimed at developing research and practical applications in the field of nanotechnology. The SPM&RS Center has the capability to conduct research using such methods as scanning tunneling microscopy, tunneling spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic resonance, which allow us to study such physical quantities as the distribution of the density of electronic states, the distribution of electron yields such as the distribution of the density of electronic states, the distribution of electron yield work, volt-ampere characteristics, surface conductivity, atomic and electronic structure, dynamics of the electron-nuclear system, and to form images of individual atoms on the surface of metals, semiconductors, and other materials.
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