The image shows the results of the study of nanostructured hybrid perovskites synthesised by a mechanochemical method based on PbI and alkylammonium halides
The image shows the results of the study of allotropic carbon forms in the Invar Fe-Ni-C alloy before and after plastic deformation by precipitation.
The image shows the results of the study of laser-induced stabilisation of reduced nanostructured ceria on graphene
The image shows the results of the study of amorphous metal alloys
На зображенні представлені результати спектральних і квантовомеханічних досліджень ізоморфно-заміщених аніонних підграток апатиту кальцію.
The image shows the XPS spectra of compounds that characterise the composition and chemical bonds in composites with the addition of graphite and epoxy oligomer.